Tuesday 27 June 2017

MIT's new drones that both fly and drive could be huge for creating flying cars


Thanks to a team of researchers at MIT, we're one step closer to finally having the flying car technology that science fiction of the 1950s promised us. But that progress also means we're one step closer to drones and robots taking over everything. (Which to be fair, they already kind of are.) 

A team at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) is working to help achieve all our flying car dreams by developing drones that can both drive and fly.

The team at CSAIL recently released a paper in which they lay out the plans for their project. It includes eight quadcopter drones with the ability to fly or drive through a course that includes parking lots, landing pads, and no-fly zones. The algorithm essentially lays out the base for large-scale transportation.  Read more...

More about Tech, Drones, Tech, and Drones

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