Tuesday 27 June 2017

Your future iPhone could wake you up by memorizing your sleep patterns


If you use an iPhone, Apple probably controls most of your waking hours. The company could take over your time spent in dreamland sometime in the near future, too, by using all the data it collects about you to push you toward a better night's sleep. 

Apple might be working on a new system to help improve user sleep patterns, if a new patent recently granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is any indication. 

The filing, which was unearthed by Apple Insider, describes new methods to automatically control alarms and notifications to manage bedtime at night and waking times in the morning. The system would offer a service that's usually against the company's MO: making users disengage with their phones to hit the hay.  Read more...

More about Apple, Beddit, Sleep Tech, Tech, and Big Tech Companies

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