Tuesday 27 June 2017

Mystery Apple car suggests 3D street view is coming to Apple Maps


Apple is currently driving a tricked-out, super-data-sucking car all over the world, but no one really knows why.

Details about where in the world to find the Apple Maps car are here, but beyond promising that the data will be used to improve Apple Maps (which many people believe needs improving), there’s no information about what Apple is planning or what these cars can do.

Now that we’ve spotted one of these white giants on the road, thanks to the eagle eye of our own Sam Sheffer, we have questions.

See all that stuff on the top of the car? What’s all that equipment for? Read more...

More about Apple, Ios, Augmented Reality, Apple Maps, and Tech

http://ift.tt/2sjD80y from Tech http://ift.tt/2sObLzo

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