Tuesday 27 June 2017

Exclusive: Here's the fingerprint tech that will make home buttons obsolete


While Apple and Samsung race to be the first company to perfect a fingerprint scanner that resides under a smartphone's display, a Chinese company called Vivo has already done it. 

Vivo is launching the technology jointly with Qualcomm at Mobile World Congress Shanghai on Wednesday, but Vivo shared key details, images and video exclusively with Mashable prior to the announcement. 

First, let's look at why this is important. The trend that dominated the smartphone market this year was making the screen as big as it can possibly be, with companies such as Samsung, LG and newcomer Essential launching phones with ultra-wide screens that cover most of their front side.  Read more...

More about Smartphones, Vivo, Fingerprint Scanner, Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor, and Under Display Fingerprint Sensor

http://ift.tt/2sjKQb6 from Tech http://ift.tt/2sevB84

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