Thursday 2 March 2017

Susan Fowler to Uber: Come at me bro


Uber just doesn't know when to quit. And Susan Fowler Rigetti is ready. 

The former Uber engineer whose explosive blog post detailed alleged sexual harassment and HR negligence at the company, claims the ride-hail giant is now blaming her for the rash of account deletions following her Feb. 19 post and has hired a law firm to investigate her. In turn, she's hired a law firm of her own. 

"Uber names/blames me for account deletes, and has a different law firm -not Holders - investigating me," Rigetti wrote on Twitter Thursday morning. She then noted that she has hired Baker Curtis & Schwartz, a firm specializing in employment law, to represent her.  Read more...

More about Susan Fowler, Travis Kalanick, Uber, Technology, and Tech from Tech

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