Thursday 23 March 2017

This game is teaching particle physics to five-year-olds


Five-year-olds and particle physics don't usually go in the same sentence together.

But the guys that made Angry Birds is trying to change that with the launch of Big Bang Legends, its new game that introduces particle physics concepts to kids.

“Five years ago we'd joke that one day we’ll teach quantum physics to five-year-olds," said Peter Vesterbacka, co-founder of Lightneer, speaking at the game launch in Singapore on Thursday.

Vesterbacka was formerly with Rovio, the Finnish game firm that won fame and fortune with Angry Birds. Together with other Rovio alums, Vesterbacka started Lightneer, which aims to make high-quality educational games. Read more...

More about Finland, Singapore, Science, Game, and Particle Physics from Tech

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