Monday 27 February 2017

Amazon might update Alexa with voice recognition


Amazon's Alexa could soon be a lot smarter.

The company is working on a new feature that would allow its voice-enabled assistant to distinguish between different voices, according to a report form Time

The feature, which for now is reportedly called "Voice ID," enables Echo devices to recognize the voice of the main account holder associated with the speaker. Such a feature could be used to prevent others in the house from making purchases or using voice commands. 

Though Time reports the technology has been in the works for more than a year, it's not clear when, or if, the company will launch the feature. The underlying tech is reportedly ready, but the report speculates the Seattle-based company could be delaying the feature due to privacy concerns. Read more...

More about Alexa, Siri, Amazon Echo, Amazon, and Gadgets from Tech

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