Tuesday 28 February 2017

Basically everyone reuses their passwords


Every once in a while I have to log into a website I haven't been to in, say, a year. I type in my username and password, hit enter, and the internet yells at me. 

Wrong password. OK, I say, and type another variation of the password. 

I tell myself, "This time I'll use a an exclamation point instead of an 'I,'" sure that this could be the only other option. 

Wrong again, so I go back to typing my original guess, thinking maybe I'd misspelled it the first time, but no, I'm wrong, and now my fingers are flying across the keyboard until the internet has yelled at me so many times that I have to create a new password and answer a bunch of questions to prove I'm not some imposter hacker trying to steal my own LinkedIn info.  Read more...

More about Account, Survey, Reuse, Passwords, and Tech

http://ift.tt/2lR8njO from Tech http://ift.tt/2mCtIM8

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