Tuesday 28 February 2017

Facebook ready to ramp up flights of its solar-powered drone


Last summer, when Facebook tested its huge drone, the right wing fizzled out and it smashed into the Arizona desert. So, you know, could have gone better. But it was round one, and the company now believes it's ready to test the solar-powered Aquila multiple times a month. 

“The systems performed way better than planned," Facebook Vice President of Engineering Jay Parikh said on Monday from a conference in Barcelona, Spain, according to Bloomberg. "But we need to fly a lot more.”

The plan is to start flying a few times a month. Facebook's ultimate goal is to use these drones with massive wingspans to bring internet connectivity to areas without regular online access. Think of them as traveling, solar-powered internet hubs.  Read more...

More about Crash, Flight, Solar Energy, Drones, and Facebook

http://ift.tt/2madtbv from Tech http://ift.tt/2mHOBEK

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