Monday 27 February 2017

The first-look at Samsung's Galaxy S8 was probably just leaked in this video


Samsung broke more than a few hearts when it didn't show off the highly-anticipated Galaxy S8 at this year's Mobile World Congress over the weekend. That doesn't mean Samsung fans are gonna be left in the dark, though. 

Officially, all we got from Samsung over the weekend was a buzzy promo video hyping the S8's official unveiling on March 29.  

Unofficially, newly-leaked video just surfaced, claiming to show an actual working Galaxy S8 for the first time.   

The video was posted by UK-based accessory site MobileFun, which provided no real context to prove the footage is legit. We don't see much, since the footage only lasts for a few seconds, but the leaked phone boasts the massive edge-to-edge screen design we've been expecting from the S8, so it's hard to just pass off as a fake.  Read more...

More about Leak, Galaxy S8 Plus, Galaxy S8, Samsung, and Tech from Tech

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