Friday 24 February 2017

The holy grail of VR headsets might look something like this


Having conquered smartphones and smartwatches, Qualcomm now wants its powerful mobile chips to power all-in-one virtual reality headsets.

The chipmaker announced its latest processor, the Snapdragon 835, will play a key role in accelerating the adoption of headsets that aren't dependent on a smartphone or a tether to a PC.

To help developers get a jump on creating mobile VR experiences, Qualcomm's introducing a Snapdragon VR development kit (VRDK) that includes an all-in-one VR headset (often called the holy grail of VR) with a bunch of sensors that doesn't require a smartphone to be slotted in. The headset is a reference design, meaning Qualcomm has no plans to market it as a consumer product. Read more...

More about Developer Kit, Vr Headset, Vr, Snapdragon 835, and Qualcomm from Tech

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