Tuesday 28 February 2017

Apple dropping lightning for a USB-C port is a smart idea


Apple likes to rip the band-aid off cleanly. No half measures, just a sharp and briefly painful leap to the next thing. 

That’s how it was with the dearly departed 3.5 mm headphone jack on the iPhone 7 and that’s probably how it will be for the iPhone’s lightning port, which, if the rumors are true, will soon be replaced with a single USB-C port on the eagerly anticipated iPhone 8 (or X).

I know this concerns iPhone fans:

Apple is moving too fast.

Now I need even more dongles.

Curse you, Apple!

I, on the other hand, think it’s a brilliant idea, and not just because I predicted it

USB-C is in most ways a better technology than Apple’s Lightning port.  Read more...

More about Usb C Port, Usb C, Iphone, and Tech

http://ift.tt/2lm7rjL from Tech http://ift.tt/2lQYVN8

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