Thursday 23 February 2017

Apple to investigate iPhone 7 that 'blew up'


A dramatic video of a smoking iPhone 7 Plus is really freaking Twitter out.

Brianna Olivas says her rose gold iPhone 7 Plus exploded and began smoking Wednesday morning when her boyfriend grabbed his phone and began recording. The video, which Olivas shared on Twitter later that day, shows smoke pouring out of one side of the phone and the iPhone's case melting away.

The video, which has already been viewed more than 1.26 million times, garnered a swift reaction, with more than 18,000 retweets and hundreds of replies. Amateur Twitter sleuths are even already attempting to diagnose what went wrong (one running theory is that Olivas' liquid-filled iPhone case somehow contributed to the issue, though there's no evidence to back that up.)  Read more...

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