Tuesday 28 February 2017

New smart holster automatically makes police body cams record when guns are drawn


A new smart holster design could make police body cameras more responsive in the moments they're needed most: when an officer draws their firearm.  

TASER, the company behind the stun guns used by law enforcement officers around the world, recently introduced the Axon Signal Sidearm. It's a small wireless sensor that detects when a weapon is removed from its holster and immediately initiates recording on connected cameras in a 30-foot range.  

The Sidearm, which the company says is compatible with most firearm holsters, is the latest smart device in the Axon Signal line. The tech allows police officers to go about their business without  manually activating their body cams, since actions like turning on a patrol car's light bar, opening car doors or charging a TASER battery automatically trigger the recording function. Read more...

More about Firearm, Taser, Body Camera, Police, and Law Enforcement

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