Tuesday 28 February 2017

What to do when internet outages ruin your cool smart home


Your lights automatically flipping on when you walk in the door. Checking who's at the front door without getting up off the couch. Starting your coffee before you get out of bed. 

There's a reason the smart home industry is forecasted to become a multibillion-dollar industry over the next several years. Sheer convenience aside, smart home gadgets make us feel like we're living in the future. Until they don't. 

Amazon's lengthy AWS outage Tuesday was a stark reminder of just how much farther we have to go to realize the seamless Jetsons-esque future gadget-makers so desperately want us to buy into. The hours-long disruption took down much of the internet, crippling day-to-day activities for many who rely on AWS-backed services, like Slack and Trello, to do their jobs. Read more...

More about Internet Of Things, Smart Home, Aws, Gadgets, and Tech

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