Monday 27 February 2017

Witness the strange beauty of the first self-driving race car


Roborace, Formula E's long-developing autonomous racing series, just unveiled its first self-driving race car at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. It's called the Robocar, and it doesn't look like anything we've ever seen before. If the appearance is jarring, just consider how much space you save when there's no need for a cockpit to hold a driver's seat (or, for that matter, a driver). 

The design was first teased last March in a tantalizing video that showed off the initial digital mock-ups. It's the brainchild of Daniel Simon, who's best known for creating the slick futuristic aesthetic of movies like Tron: Legacy and Oblivion. Here, he puts his imagination genius to the real-world pavement. Read more...

More about Formula E, Racing Car, Autonomous Vehicles, Self Driving Cars, and Mobile World Congress from Tech

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