Monday 27 February 2017

Why are other mobile phones shining right now? Because Samsung isn't


Out of the dozens of smartphones announced at Mobile World Congress every year, the only ones that have historically mattered were Samsung’s flagship Galaxy phones. 

In years past, the Korean electronics giant uses MWC in Barcelona as a global stage to launch new Galaxy S phones. 

This year, however, was different. Following the disastrous Galaxy Note7 launch that saw the phones explode due to faulty batteries (and eventually led to two global recalls and the phone's discontinuation), Samsung faced a tough call. 

It could have stuck to its schedule and announced the Galaxy S8 at MWC this year, and risked looking like it was rushing a new device out the door in a push to get everyone to forget about the Note7. Or it could've delayed the Galaxy S8, to give consumers more time to forgive and forget,  giving itself more time to ensure its batteries are 100 percent safe and won’t explode.  Read more...

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