Friday 10 February 2017

Apple fixed a bug that accidentally kept your cleared browsing data on iCloud

Apple has fixed a bug that was inadvertently storing users' cleared browsing history on iCloud. 

Vladimir Katalov, CEO of security firm ElcomSoft, recently told Forbes that he discovered browsing history dating back as far as a year on his iCloud account—despite having cleared it. Katalov did this using ElcomSoft's own "phone breaker" software, which allows you to download your iCloud data, including your old browsing records. 

Katalov's claim was reportedly validated by an iOS forensics expert, and a Forbes reporter conducted a test on his own device by running the software on his iCloud account. He found browsing data from November 27, 2015, including the visit counts, dates and search terms. Shortly after the article was published, Katalov reportedly reached out to Forbes and said that his old browsing history was no longer accessible.  Read more...

More about Bug, Security Measures, Records, Data, and Browsing from Tech

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