Thursday 9 February 2017

More proof that 2017 is just 'Black Mirror' IRL: Bee drones

Japanese scientists are creating bee-sized flying robots in light of our "global pollination crisis." Sound familiar? To Black Mirror fans it should. 

The Japanese research team hopes to take some of the pressure off the existing bee population with its artificial pollinators. The project centers around the use of super sticky ionic liquid gels to do the job, according to the new research report published Thursday in Chem.

As the bee population dwindles, we could face some major ramifications, particularly to global food supply. Honey bees and other pollinators contribute about $15 billion annually to U.S. agricultural crops alone and serve an integral role in maintaining the overall health of the ecosystem.  Read more...

More about Research, Pollinators, Drones, Bees, and Tech from Tech

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