Thursday 23 February 2017

This robot spy dog is like 'Westworld' for animals


If it looks like a dog, walks like a dog, and barks like a dog, it's a robot built to spy on real dogs by making those dogs trust it so much they don't realize their entire lives are being recorded. 

Surveillance, Westworld-style! 

In order to get a better understanding of how wild dogs do wild dog things, the folks at PBS' Spy in the Wild put a life-like creature out in the, uh, wild, and waited for other wild dogs to come sniffing. 

The robot, equipped with 24 moving parts, cocks its head and stretches and yips just like you'd expect a wild dog to, and its flesh-and-blood counterparts don't seem to be able to tell the difference. Aside from the lifeless eyes, "spy pup" is kinda cute.  Read more...

More about Westworld, Robot, Surveillance, Spy In The Wild, and Spy from Tech

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