Thursday 9 February 2017

Nation's innovation report card shows it can, and should, do better

The Office of Innovation and Science Australia released its review of the Australian innovation system this week, largely to a chorus of "heard it all before" from those close to the industry. 

Tony Peacock, CEO of the Cooperative Research Centres Association, likens it to a school report: Janey tries but she could do so much better. The report is designed to provide an informed basis for the promised strategic plan for enhancing Australia's innovation, science and research system to 2030, due in late 2017.

The score

With a redolence of the famed management consultant Peter Drucker’s shibboleth that "what gets measured gets improved," it includes a Performance Scorecard consisting of 20 measures assessing the state of knowledge creation, knowledge transfer and knowledge application. Read more...

More about Research, Technology, Australia, Innovation, and World from Tech

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