Thursday 23 February 2017

Watch a bunch of chubby tigers take down a drone and try to eat it


A drone operator got a little too close to a group of excited Siberian tigers, and well, a drone looks a whole lot like a really awesome cat toy.

According to The Independent, a sanctuary in China's Heilongjiang Province uses drones to help keep their tigers get in shape, though it doesn't seem to be working well because some of the tigers still look a little overweight. (Not that we're tiger fitness experts.) Regardless, the drone flew a bit too low, and one of the tigers makes an impressive leap, knocking the drone out of the sky. 

The rest of the tigers gather round as one of them starts to chomp on the drone, causing it to emit a thick grey smoke. Don't worry, though, the staff were able to remove the mangled machine before it caused any harm to the animals.  Read more...

More about Viral Videos, Tech, Tigers, Drones, and Watercooler from Tech

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