Thursday 23 February 2017

Your next phone could shoot slow motion video at a whopping 960 fps


If you like recording slow motion videos with your smartphone, you're going to love what's coming in the future.

While smartphones today can record impressive slow motion videos at 120 or 240 frames per second (fps), Sony has developed a new CMOS image sensor for phones that can record slow motion at 960 fps.

With 960 fps capture, motion will be slowed even more so you can really see every drop of water burst from a balloon or every chunk of watermelon explode when you wrap too many rubber bands around it.

According to Nikkei Technology, Sony was able to create such high frame-rate capture by sandwiching a DRAM layer between "the image sensing part and the logic circuit part" to create a system that can temporarily store more images at once before compiling them into a slow motion video. Read more...

More about Smartphones, Slow Motion, Sony, Cameras, and Tech from Tech

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